Gary Oldman tells us his favourite ever roles – FHM (UK)

Which of Gary Oldman’s many famous roles is he most proud of? Which one is nearest to his heart? FHM meets him while promoting RoboCop to ask him just that.
FHM features the hottest girls, the funniest jokes, and the coolest cucumbers:
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How To Be The Best by Gary Oldman – FHM (UK)

FHM meets Gary Oldman, the actor regularly referred to by his peers as “the greatest living actor.” We sit down with him while he’s promoting RoboCop to find out how he does it.
FHM features the hottest girls, the funniest jokes, and the coolest cucumbers:
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Bikini Model talks Pre-Workout Supplements.

Pre Workout Supplements are designed to give you energy for your workout. They normally have caffeine, amino acids, vitamins, etc. to help increase your workout drive. You normally will be able to workout harder and longer when you take them. But because they have caffeine don’t take too much or take them everyday. I normally take them in small dosages 2-3x a week for those hard workout when I need that extra drive. And don’t take them too late at night or you won’t sleep. sells a good one I use. Enter coupon code Bikini and they’ll give you 10% off.