VIVIANE WINKLER – Wellness Athlete: Moves to Sculpt Your Butt and Thighs | Gym Training @ Brazil

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Lower Body Blast: Hard Training for Your Butt, Hips and Thighs.
These five lower body exercises will challenge your butt, hips and thighs in whole new ways.
The legs and glutes are the largest muscles in anyone’s body, so the benefits of working them well go beyond looking great in booty shorts.

Дополнительные тренировки для женщин: Повышение качества и тон ноги, приклад, руки, плечи, спина и живот с этим тренировки.


Erweiterte Trainings für Frauen: Stärkung und Ton Beine, Po, Arme, Schultern, Rücken und Bauch mit dieser Routine-Übung.

Sesiones de ejercicio avanzadas para la Mujer: fortalecer y tonificar las piernas, las nalgas, los brazos, los hombros, la espalda y el abdomen con esta rutina de ejercicios.

Watch free exercise videos with the best exercises for your body and tips to get the most out of your workout at MY FITNESS GIRLS (