SUMEET SAHNI – Bikini Competitor: Butt and Thigh Workout for a Round Lifted Butt @ India

Sumeet Sahni is a NPC National Level Bikini Competitor and Personal Trainer who is best known from her workout and fitness related posts.

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Booty Workout – Intense Butt and Thigh Workout for a Round Lifted Butt
Best leg exercises to build bigger quads, calves, glutes and hamstrings.
Get a complete lower-body workout with these leg exercises that are sure to get your leg muscles toned and defined in no time.

Entrenar a todos los los músculos que forman el trasero y las piernas – glúteos, cuádriceps, caderas, muslos, isquiotibiales y ternero – en estos ejercicios para las mujeres.

Поезд все мышцы, которые составляют прикладом и ноги – ягодицы, четырехглавой, бедер, подколенные сухожилия и телята – эти упражнения для женщин.

培训所有使你的臀部和腿部的肌肉 – 臀部,股四头肌,臀部,大腿,腿筋和小腿 – 这些演习的妇女。

Former tous les muscles qui composent vos fesses et les jambes – fessiers, les quadriceps, les hanches, les cuisses, les ischio-jambiers et les mollets – ces exercices pour les femmes.

Watch free exercise videos with the best exercises for your body and tips to get the most out of your workout at MY FITNESS GIRLS (